Independent Research And Analytics for Businesses
Independent Researcher
Independent research, with a specialisation in Qualitative Research, to make informed decisions on strategy:
1. In-Depth B2B Customer Research: Improve customer satisfaction and sales performance through actionable insights from detailed conversations.
2. Staff / BDM Research: independent and confidential feedback on improvements in operations, management performance and staff satisfaction
Outsourced Data Analyst
Expert data analytics functions to generate insights on customer and business performance data, where a full time data team is not possible or independence is required:
1. Solve problems and identify opportunities using data
2. Provide B2B customers with insights on their performance
3. Create Dashboards and Reports on internal and external data
Customer Advocate
An external, independent, customer advocate. The Voice of the Customer inside your business by:
1. Analysing internal customer data, including hardship & complaints data
2. Key Client Exit Interviews
3. Qualitative, in depth, Customer Research to track major issues and opportunities
4. Regular customer Metrics through Quantitative Research
In-Depth Interview Minutes
Clients & Members
Years in Business
Years Experience
The Data Specialist for Industry Associations
Member Reporting
1. Create and manage regular Industry / Sector Reports using Member data
2. Develop individualised reports for members, as an additional association revenue source
3. Create the Association’s Annual Review, including member input and data analysis
Data Analysis
1. Be the go-to for all data related projects and requests within your association
2. Compile and analyse external market and industry data for use within the Association
3. Produce reports and key statistics for the industry to use in their Advocacy & Representation work
Industry Research
1. Survey members on Association performance and key industry issues, for the benefit of both The Association and its Members.
2. Undertake industry research to create reports that can generate value for Members, revenue for Associations, and for thought leadership
Client Testimonial
Qi Insights has become our 'go-to' business partner for business performance and customer research projects - including sales targeting and industry analysis. I am happy to recommend Peter and the Qi Insights team for their expertise in business-to-business research and innovative thinking on developing a target Customer Experience.